Friday, August 27, 2010

The Equator

For those who do not know the Equator runs right through Ecuador. It is called Mitad del Mundo. We took a trip to the Equator where your GPS would read zero all the way through. I did not know what to expect at first. i thought I was going to feel an imaginary line that was not the case though. When we got there to the Equator there was a orange line painted where the Equator line is. The orange line went as far as my e4yes could see and more. There were llamas walking around and a big monument with the letter N, S, E , and O (oeste) which means West in Spanish. It was a great sight and experience. I can now say I have been to the equator!!! We also took a trip to an active crater. We actually went inside the crater on a boat of course. It was very scary. The lake is known as the Cuicocha lake (Cotacachi) It is North of Quito, in the Ecuadorian Andes. It is an active crater lake and we observed some gas emissions in the water. There are two islands in the middle of the crater that was formed from a volcanic eruptions hundred of years ago. Amazing thing to say I was in an active crater!!!

The Cleaning

Okay so yesterday we were told we were going to go visit a Shaman, which is someone that heals the body without physical medicine. In the Andes it is know for a Guinea pig to be rubbed on your body then cut opened. It is said that the smelly part of the Guinea pig was what was wrong with you. So for instance if the Guinea pig had a smelly heart that would mean your heart was bad. With that information keep in mind that beliefs in different countries are entirely different than what is in the states. The Shaman did not use a Guinea pig, however, she used alcohol Vodka to be specific. I of course volunteered to be cleaned. First thing she did was put a bunch of heated coals in between my legs. The smoke raised up and smelled very strong. She then lit a candle, and then a cigarette. She waved the smoked over the candle and begin speaking in Spanish, so my instructor translated for me. She said I was in perfect health but that someone had given me bad luck. She asked me to get naked. At first I refused I however, took my shirt off and rolled up my leggings. She lit three candles and took some Vodka into her mouth the next thing was very buzzard. She spat the alcohol out her mouth over the candles and the flames flared towards me. I could remember feeling a slight warmth on my entire body. She did it to my front, back, and sides. After that she took a sphere looking object and placed it on my head. She then backed up and took more alcohol into her mouth and she started to spit it on me. literally spitting in my face, back, legs, my entire body. She then started to blow cigarette smoke on my body she then took some Vodka into her mouth and she spat onto some plants she took the plants and started to hit me from head to toe she did this several times. After that she took some eggs the she spat Vodka on and rubbed my body down with them, this included my hair also. The last thing was to pick an oil. Once I did that she put rose petals in my hands and some of the oil I was told to rub this all over my body. Lastly I was told not to eat pork, and onions for the rest of the day and I could not shower until Saturday. It was a very different experience but to be honest I c=kind of enjoyed it. That is one thing about studying abroad you have to be very open minded and trust in your judgement. I can now say I was cleansed by a Shaman. Can you? I was told my body is cleaned from all the bad luck.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Life in Ecuador

Well I have now been in Ecuador for two days and things really are amazing. That could of course be cultural shock taking its place but I have really fallen in love with this place. The people here are great. A group of students and me actually went out the first night here. We were in Quito, Ecuador's capital. We went down town to a club and to be honest it was better than any other club in the states. I was just so excited to be in a different country. Somethings I did not expect was the weather. It was actually cold 9c whatever that converts to in Fahrenheit. Since I gotten to Ecuador the people of UEES the university which I will be attending has our whole week planned out. We visited Quito's historic center, the mall, and even a museum. It was great. One thing I have a problem with is adjusting to the air. We are currently at 9,200 above sea level and the air is so much thinner. It hurts to breath and the simple task of walking up a set of stairs feels like a three mile run. I was told my body will eventually get over it that it just takes some time. At the museum we learned about a famous artist by the name of Oswaldo Guayasamin. He is like a Picasso of our time. In his paintings he showed the sorrow of the people. He wanted to bring about peace through his paintings, he wanted us to understand the pain our people went through. And by our people I mean people of all type. Asian, American, Mayans, Incas etc. My first day in Ecuador was very educational.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The excitment

Man things are really coming together, but there has been so many ups and downs. For those of you who are thinking about studying abroad there is a few things that knowing in advance will smooth the process... Such as if you are staying in a country for more than 90 days you will need a visa and that in its self is another process. To obtain your visa a police report, HIV records, Passport book (card), photos passport size, 130 money order, a letter from the bank, a letter from your parents, and the visa application itself is needed in order to get a visa so make sure you are not trying to get everything done at the last minute as some problems may occur. Trust me I have been going through it trying to get everything ready for this. Another thing that seemed to help me was writing out a list of the things I needed before I left. Getting thins as you are out and about is an easy way to get everything plus it seems like you are saving money if you get things as you are out and not all at once. I will be putting a picture up of my host family as soon as I can and stay up on reading my blogs because after August 24 I know they will be filled with adventures.